Monday, November 04, 2019

Some Blessings Come Late

One of my most favorite things about being a mom was rocking & singing my babies to sleep. For some of them it came a little later--Eric was almost two when he arrived home, and Jack was already four. Some of them tolerated it better than others. Some were only good for a song or two (looking at you, Mia), while others would listen for hours and drift off to sleep (ah, Gracie!).

And then there was Annie.

Annie did NOT like being rocked or sang to, from day one and it never improved. She would squirm to get away, put her hand up over my mouth to block the singing, and if all else failed, turn her head away from me and shut her eyes as if to block this unpleasantness out.

So I didn't sing to Annie and rock her at night.

On the big scale of parenting joys and sorrows this wasn't even a blip. Annie is a miracle girl and I love being part of her miracle, even if it's in different ways than I anticipated.

A few weeks ago she climbed up on my lap in the rocking chair, cuddled in, and promptly fell asleep. Nearly every day since she has grabbed a blanket, pointed at herself, pointed at me, then pointed at the rocking chair.

She even lets me sing.

Granted, Annie is not one for lullabies and "I am a Child of God." This girl wants Baby Shark (aka, the dumbest song ever written), Carrie Underwood, and Imagine that's what I sing. If I stray into a song of my choosing instead of HRH's choice, that hand comes right up over my mouth to cut me off.

She's a big nine-year old with bossy opinions who prefers to dictate her own terms for snuggle time. It's not what I pictured. It's later than I expected. Right behind Annie's shoulder in the photo above is a framed print containing one of my favorite quotes:

"Some blessings come soon, some come late, and some don't come until heaven, but for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, they come."

Soon or late, as I expected or wildly, completely different, I'm so grateful that blessings come.

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